In 2004, Dr. Gunther von Hagens introduced America to the BODY WORLDS, an exhibition of real human bodies. I remember attending the exhibit when it toured my home town. I was among nearly one million people who viewed that exhibit during it’s initial run. Now, 13 years later, it returns due to popular demand. It’s definitely a sight to behold, as the bodies are plastinated, configured, and such, to give insight about human anatomy, physiology, and health.
The California Science Center’s website provides special guides for parents, teachers, and families regarding this exhibit to help you decide whether or not to take your child. Here are some FAQs taken from the family guide:
What does BODY WORLDS show?
Each BODY WORLDS exhibition contains real human specimens, including whole-body plastinates as well as individual organs, organ configurations, and trans- parent body slices. The spectacular plastinates in the exhibition take the visitor on an exciting journey of discovery under the skin. It provides wide-ranging insight into the anatomy and physiology of the hu- man body. In addition to organ functions, common diseases are described in an easily understood man- ner by comparing healthy and affected organs. They show the long-term impact of diseases and addic- tions, such as tobacco or alcohol consumption, and demonstrate the mechanics of artificial knee and hip joints.
What is the goal of the exhibition?
BODY WORLDS aims to educate the public about the inner workings of the human body and shows the effects of poor health, good health, and lifestyle choices. It is also presented in the hopes that it will motivate visitors to learn more about the science of anatomy and physiology.
Who should see BODY WORLDS?
Anyone interested in learning what makes us human. Adults of all ages and children will find the exhibits fascinating. Given the nature of the BODY WORLDS exhibits, it is up to parents, guardians, or school staff to decide whether BODY WORLDS is appropriate for the children in their care.
Ticket Giveaway
BODY WORLDS: Pulse opened to the public May 20, 2017 and continues through February 20, 2018 at the California Science Center. This special exhibition charges admission.
Please visit www.californiasciencecenter.org for more detailed information and ticket prices.
Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. The giveaway is sponsored by California Science Center. Images provided byCalifornia Science Center. Westside Mommy was not monetarily compensated for this post. All opinions are 100% my own.