This is part one of a three-part post on vintage and resale shopping.
My daughter Aria is still at the age where I can dress her how I want, which means lots of fun for mommy. I recently discovered the world of vintage and resale children’s clothing, which allows me to affordably dress my sweet girl in a wide array of unique, nostalgic, and designer clothing; and in turn take really cute photos! As with most vintage and resale shopping, there is something new every time you visit! That’s part of the fun.
Here are some of the shops I discovered around Los Angeles (listed from west to east) and why I like them:
Baby Daze (Santa Monica) – update: Baby Daze is closed
This shop is well-organized, has a nice selection of resale clothing, some with their original tags. One thing that stood out to me is they use wooden children’s hangers. That gives the place a boutique feel, so shopping here doesn’t feel like you are rummaging at a yard sale. They also carry fun leg warmers with different designs, vintage and classic toys and books, which make great birthday gifts. Angela, the owner, is very friendly and helpful. During my visit, a dad stopped in to drop off a fantastic play table train set. I didn’t find a lot of vintage clothing during that visit, but I did find these great vintage (decorative) toys:

Noodles (Del Rey)
I always noticed this place on my way to Target, but didn’t check it out until recently. The amount of merchandise they have is a little overwhelming, which means you have to do some digging. Because there is so much inventory, don’t forget to also look UP. There are clothes hanging on display that the staff is happy to retrieve for you. Thankfully, there are a lot of toys kids can play with, as well as a sectioned off play area. My daughter played there happily with another little girl while I shopped. After rummaging, I found a nice variety of clothes my daughter can grow into and use right now. There is a great selection of shoes — I bought a pair of Pediped shoes for a fraction of the retail price, and some cute Children’s Place sandals for only $3. Because there is a large selection of shoes, only one side is available in the bin. You have to ask for the other one if you want to try them both on.
Kidstock (Cheviot Hills): **UPDATE: KIDSTOCK IS NOW CLOSED**

Kidstock is a great place to find designer brands, which shouldn’t surprising, given their location in a good neighborhood of West L.A. Here, I found some European and Japanese clothes I did not see anywhere else. Since this store has been around for awhile (but has changed names and owners), there is a big selection of clothing. Don’t forget to check out their dollar rack in the back, where you may score some amazing deals.
Bluebird (Larchmont)

I’m in love with this store. Bluebird feels like a high-end boutique and fits right in on trendy Larchmont Blvd. European, classic, and many designer styles can be found here, as well as a great selection of high-end baby gear (located in the 2nd floor loft area). My daughter played with the toys while I shopped. She really loved the tiny vintage piano.

Grow Kid Grow (Silverlake)

This is a resale store that is community-oriented and intentionally caters to a wide demographic. Regular patrons range from Silverlake locals to celebrities. The store is fully stocked, and the average price is around five dollars per item. Missy Gibson, one of the owners of Grow Kid Grow, said she wanted to create a place where parents can find anything their child needed, no matter what the season. Need an affordable snowsuit for your kid’s first trip to Big Bear? You will likely find it here. Another good tip: they hold an annual costume swap the last weekend before Halloween.
The Green Bean (Eagle Rock)

The Green Bean is not just a kid’s resale store, it is a “community-oriented family resource center!” Traci, the owner, is an amazing force who created a wonderful place that holds art and music classes, live performances, and special events. She is extremely friendly and helpful and performs in the “Folk music for families” group, The Hollow Trees. The store is organized extremely well; seasonal, vintage, resale by size and gender, as well as a music section and new vintage-style and wooden toys. There is even a bathroom where you can change a diaper comfortably, which is something I had to do for my daughter during our visit! This place makes me wish I lived on the Eastside.
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