Wow, the kid’s music scene is huge, and the talent pool is vast. Prior to becoming a parent, I the only name I was familiar with in kid’s music was Yo Gabba Gabba. Now, I seek out live music at local events such as The Cow’s End Cafe sing-a-long, The Abbot Kinney Festival, Kid’s Clubs at malls, Children’s Book World. In addition to attending events, we also get recommendations of good artists and CDs through friends.
I admit – I’ve grown to enjoy this genre of music and find myself singing or humming certain songs to myself when I’m alone.
Here are some CDs that are Aria and Westside Mommy approved:
Ultramagnetic Universal Love
by Mista Cookie Jar and the Chocolate Chips
We first saw Mista Cookie Jar perform at the Cow’s End sing-a-long. He is an LA local and occasionally performs with his children, A.K.A. “The Chocolate Chips.” His eclectic, upbeat music is a blend of reggae, hip hop, and soul in a poetic voice which speaks about love, respect, and embracing your unique qualities. We have the Ultramagnetic Universal Love Revolution CD and listen to it all the time.
Mommy’s favorite tracks on the cd: Inner Child Rock and Call Me Mista Cookie Jar
Aria’s favorite songs on the cd: Happy Place and Best Day Ever Ever
Mista Cookie Jar Website: mistacookiejar.com
The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band
by The Laurie Berkner Band
I learned about The Laurie Berkner Band through my friend Eli. She asked what my daughter wanted for Christmas one year, and I told her CDs. The Best of The Laurie Berkner Band is one of the CDs she gifted. I’m so glad she sent it, because my daughter requests this CD all the time. My 2.5 year old can’t say “Laurie Berkner,” but she will say “Victor Vito,” which is her favorite song on the CD. She likes that song so much that I played it on repeat five times because we were in traffic and it was the only thing that calmed her down. All the songs on this CD are really good, so it was difficult to choose my favorites. Five Days Old brings a tear to my eye when I listen to it, because it makes me think about how quickly my child is growing. I love hearing my daughter sing along, and we enjoy singing together.
Mommy’s favorite songs on the CD: Five Days Old and I’m Not Perfect
Aria’s favorite songs on the CD: Victor Vito and Moon, Moon, Moon
The Laurie Berkner Band website: laurieberkner.com
Cuddlebug Parade
by Michal “Peanut” Karmi
Michal “Peanut” Karmi is another local artist we met at The Cow’s End Cafe sing-a-longs. She has a very sweet voice and a fun, appealing appearance. She is an excellent live performer, and does a great job of holding the attention of babies and toddlers. The CD, Cuddlebug Parade, is original music ranging from fun and educational, to sweet, perfect lullabies. There are even some songs in Hebrew and Spanish. After hearing the CD three times, Aria started repeating some of the songs.
Mommy’s favorite songs on the CD: Good Night Sweet Pea and The Big Bug Band
Aria’s favorite songs on the CD: Six Little Pickles and Ooey Gooey Mud
Michal “Peanut” Karmi’s website: sweetlyspunmusic.com
Songs for Wiggleworms
by Various Artists
Songs for Wiggleworms is another CD from my friend Eli. This CD has 38 tracks, which is sure to keep the attention span of your little “Wiggleworm.” There are plenty of familiar favorites including “The Wheels on the Bus,” and “Five Little Monkeys.” This is a good CD that will help familiarize parents with the songs commonly used in “Parent and Me” classes.
Mommy’s favorite songs on the CD: Good Morning and La Bamba
Aria’s favorite songs on the CD: Baa Baa Black Sheep and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Had so much fun seeing Mista Cookie Jar with you and Aria–he was awesome! Will have to make it to the Cow’s End again with you guys! 🙂 We hear a lot of songs from Laurie Berkner and the Wiggleworms CD on our kids’ songs Pandora station–they definitely get you up and moving! C’s favorite artist is Raffi and favorite song is Wheels on the Bus–any variation! We also went to a Beat Buds concert yesterday and I really liked them. 🙂
Thanks for the comment and suggestions, KC! Yes, let’s go to The Cow’s End again soon. The Beat Buds are great too. We saw them at Pamper and Play but don’t have their CD yet 🙂 “Wheels on the Bus” is a classic. We’ll have to sing it together when we hang out again 🙂