Today, I attended a special media preview of the “Happy Place” pop-up experience in the Downtown L.A. Arts District. HAPPY PLACE is a collection of themed rooms and installations meant for photographing in the “selfiest” of ways. Take note, if you want your best photos, bring a buddy (preferably someone who takes good pictures), because apparatuses such as selfie-sticks and tripods are not permitted. So let’s get down to business…here’s what I experienced at HAPPY PLACE:
Dress Happy
I loved seeing the different outfits people wore to HAPPY PLACE. Some women (fashion bloggers) even brought multiple changes of clothes! I want to brighten up my wardrobe after seeing all the bright, happy outfits today. Note: the bathrooms are at the beginning of the exhibit, so make sure you use them before you start your trek.
A Video of Tips and Instructions
As mentioned, they don’t allow selfie sticks or tripods. On the FAQ page of the website, they say:
“We do encourage you to leave oversized items/ bags at home so you can freely experience Happy Place. Backpacks, selfie sticks, large umbrellas, strollers and weapons of any kind are prohibited. Although Photography is VERY MUCH encouraged, all professional video equipment is prohibited without advance approval from Happy Place. Contact press@happyplace.me. What else to leave at home? Your problems!! Come, Smile and share the happiness!”
Since I attended press day, we were permitted to bring professional items, tripods and the like. So my photos were taken using those items.
Also, there’s no back-tracking. I imagine when it gets crowded, they might encourage people to move along to accommodate other guests.
The Installations
Don’t Worry Be Happy
On the ceiling is “Don’t Worry, Be” which continues to the yellow neon sign “HAPPY”.
m&m Stiletto
This stiletto pump is made with m&ms! They offer m&m samples (black and white color) to snack on in this room.
Wallpapered Room
I didn’t get very creative in this room, but I saw a couple photographing their child on the floor. I think that probably turned out pretty cool.
XO Muah
This was a very cute room. If you sit on the lip-shaped couch and have someone take your picture at the right angle through the “O”, it would look really cool. There were a bunch of people waiting behind me so I had to make this a quick shot.
If You’re Happy and You Know It
Clap your hands!
Celebrate Every Day
This is a multi-layered room with different things to see. Yummy “birthday cake” cake pops, a cake to stand on, gifts on the walls, and balloons that you can lift up or down!
The flowers are made of plastic. It’s an elevated “flowerbed” floor, with ladders and holes where you can pop your head out. More flowers hang from the ceiling to form a cool “flower fall”, that provides a backdrop. The spotlights in this room can be a little harsh, so keep that in mind when taking your photos.
The Upside Down Children’s Room
There is another side to this room with a chair and more stuffed animals, as well as mirrors which could serve as cool selfie-shots as well.
Four Booths
Live Laugh Love
Hearts & Clouds
Ducky Tub
A yellow tub, filled with yellow balls, in a room with yellow duckies lining the wall. This was the most popular of the four panels, and one that people “boomerang” the most.
Mirrors Mirrors
Mirrors! The original “selfie”.
Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow
This one has a “selfie” booth, where you press a button and it counts down to take a series of photos while you jump in the pot of gold! A worker will get your phone number and your .gif will be texted to you.
Confetti Angel
This was another “selfie” boomerang booth. Note to self: double check shirt buttons constantly.
Confetti Dome
A clear dome with air vents that make the confetti fly for an entire minute around you while you enjoy it and take photos and video. This is the grand finale of the tour.
Gift Shop and Refreshments
A gift shop, popsicle truck, lemonade stand, games, and one last selfie station!
Happy Place
Happy Place is a massive pop-up experience in the Arts District of Downtown Los Angeles filled with smiles, laughs, one of a kind installations, multi-sensory immersive rooms, and a whole lot of selfie moments that you don’t want to miss!
Purchase tickets: www.happyplace.me/tickets
Disclaimer: I attended as a member of the media and received complimentary admission in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.
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