This post was written for WestsideMommy.com by contributors Aya and Nickie Quan. They visited the Jurassic Quest experience at The Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California.

Jurassic Quest was an educational and fun adventure! I was pleasantly surprised how well orchestrated the audio recording and the drive thru of the land of the dinosaurs synced. The tour allowed us to go through the Mesozoic era “the age of the dinosaurs” first going through the Triassic, Jurassic and finally the Cretaceous period. Driving between the towering dinosaurs really gave us a sense of how behemoth they were. I was happy that the tour had some amazing facts of each dinosaur and had the proper pronunciation of each dinosaur, otherwise I was pronouncing my favorite dinosaur’s name wrong. It’s Ahn-kailo-sore-us, not An-kle-oh-sore-us. The kids were so excited to see their favorite dino, which was a pteranodon and an apatosaurus & all the raptors. It’s definitely worth it to bring some educational entertainment for the kids (and the child in your adult heart) especially when a lot of outdoor fun has been put on hold
– Aya Q.
Living in a “COVID world” is challenging to say the least. Growing up in one seems even less fun. For sure, hikes and bike rides have been great, but when it comes to those special occasions and outings, we have been really challenged to keep it interesting and memorable.
Enter the Dinosaurs!!! Ironic that the trend that has stood the test of time is everyone’s fascination with dinosaurs, the animal that DID NOT survive the test of time. My kids LOVE dinosaurs and so do us parents! When we saw the advertisements for Jurassic Quest at the Rose Bowl I thought “YES! Bringing the kids!” and also, “this is going to be cheesy and I don’t care.”
I was pleasantly surprised that even in our “COVID world” my family was transported back in time to the land of the dinos, safely in our car. They seamlessly matched an audio recording with the tour so as you pass all the various life-like, animatronic dinosaurs, a narrator would educate the passengers.
There was a bit of traffic but the “oohs and ahs” of my kids when we pulled up to a Triceratops or T Rex made it all worth it! I would recommend having some car snacks or beverages because it is about an hour and change.
– Nick Q.
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Disclaimer: Westside Mommy was invited to Jurassic Quest and to share an honest opinion about the experience. All opinions belong to the authors of this post. Please direct all questions and comments about Jurassic Quest to their website, listed above.