My First Surf Lesson with Scott (“Scott Surf” as my mom likes to call him)
by Shelby C. (age 11)
My first ever surfing lesson was when I was eight in the very cold ocean in England….can you believe this California girl first surfed in such cold water? Well, it’s where my dads from and we spend summers there.
Now, three years later, I took my second surf lesson in Malibu and I had a lot of fun! First, I got my wetsuit on, which took about 10-15 minutes. I thought it would take about five minutes but it took longer. However, it sure kept me super warm! Next, Scott (the surf teacher) taught me everything on the sand that I needed to do when I got in the water. When I first stood up on the board in the sand, it felt like I was on my living room floor — very comfortable. He showed me how to lay down to paddle out and hop up when you catch a good wave — in my case, a small one, haha! He also taught me how important it is to wear sunscreen. Seriously everyone looked like ghosts they had so much on!
Then, we went in the water. My uncovered feet felt cold at first but warmed up quickly. I felt scared and excited at the same time. The waves look so much bigger when you’re in the ocean than on the beach. Trust me, it does NOT feel relaxing or normal when you’re getting up on your surfboard in actual water, I’ll tell you THAT. Thankfully Scott made sure I knew all the safety stuff like putting your chest up when a wave is coming at you and you’re not going to surf it and he stayed close to me at all times.
Some other good tips are to put your toes together when standing up because it’s easier to balance and paddle as fast as you can in the direction the wave is going to catch-it. I think I only got up two or three times because it’s hard! However, I plan on doing better on my next lesson when I know I will feel more confident 🙂
This surfing lesson was totally different from the last one. My other teacher pushed me too hard and was busy with other kids. Scott allowed me to go at my own pace, feel confident and I am very thankful for that!
After that, it was time to go. You should totally take lessons with Scott if you are in Southern California and want to try out surfing! See you next time!
Learn to Surf Malibu with Scott – private lessons

I wear sunblock to set an example for the “groms” (little surfer kids), that it is a part of your gear just like the surfboard. I try to teach them all about the beach and that there is more to the beach than just surfing. Although it is only a one hour lesson most kids come back several times. I want all the kids to have a great experience and I don’t force them to do anything. I try to make them as comfortable as possible in a situation that is scary and new to them.
Contact Scott at (818) 921-2344
- 1 hour/one-on-one=$100 (use of wetsuit, surfboard included)
- 1 hour/parent+kid or two kids=-$160 (use of wetsuits, surfboards included)
Mention Westsidemommy to receive $25 off your first lesson.
Disclaimer: Westside Mommy did not receive financial compensation for this post. Shelby was offered a free lesson in order to facilitate this post. All opinions are honest and 100% her own.