April (2016) kicks off Back to the Future events at The Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, celebrating the arrival of the DeLorean on permanent loan from Universal Studios Hollywood. The Delorean DMC-12, made famous by the film Back to the Future is on display to the public starting Friday, April 22nd, 2016. Share some nostalgia with your kids by taking a trip to the Petersen Automotive Museum or attend one of their exclusive events!
Wednesday, April 20: Exclusive unveiling + Panel Discussion
For: museum members, media, and ticketed guests
Unveiling of the DeLorean, followed by a panel discussion featuring Back to the Future writer and co-creator Bob Gale and Universal Studios Hollywood Creative Director John Murdy alongside the movie car builders and technicians who restored the DeLorean back to its on-screen condition. The DMC-12 will be displayed on the first floor of the museum through the weekend of the unveiling, before moving to the Cars of Film and Television exhibit in the Hollywood Gallery on the third floor.
Saturday, April 23: Enchantment Under the Sea Dance
Rock out to the 80’s rock sensation Missing Persons, and Back to the Future tribute band, The Flux Capacitors. Tickets are $30 per person, $20 for museum members, and are available at Petersen.org (Ages 21+)
Sunday, April 24: DeLorean themed Breakfast Club Cruise-in
DeLorean owners are invited to bring their cars to the Petersen for a DeLorean themed Breakfast Club Cruise-In. All car enthusiasts are invited to participate in the car show and contest on the 3rd floor of the museum’s parking structure. Awards will be given for Best-In-Show, People’s Choice and Petersen Perfection.
Wednesday, June 8th: Exclusive Screening of Back to the Future
Screen the official movie at Petersen’s Meyer Gallery.
The Petersen
For more information about Back to the Future events, go to: