Valentine’s Day, Date Night, Romance and a Baby?
“Be Mine. Kiss Me. Hugs. I’m Yours. Love.” Sweetheart candies pack so much Valentine’s Day romance into such short, yet powerful expressions. However, if this Valentine’s Day it feels more like your sweetheart candies should say something like, “Mommy’s Mine. Feed Me. Diapers. Laundry. I’m Sleepy. Repeat,” then you are definitely not alone.
Below you’ll find ways working with a sleep consultant can help you and your beloved partner get out for more frequent dates nights, have sex more often, and generally help you have more energy to devote to one of your most important relationships – your significant other.
Here are 3 reasons why a consistent nap and bedtime sleep schedule for your baby can change your life – and love life, just in time for Valentine’s Day:
1) Sex!!!
We’ve all been here before – baby is down for a nap, so you grab your partner for a quick rendezvous, only to have the short-lived moment of passion interrupted by a crying baby who woke too soon. You try to help baby settle back down, but he’s not having it and wants nothing more than mommy’s attention and comfort. The good news is that one of the most liberating parts about having a nap and bedtime sleep schedule for your baby is the flexibility it provides to allow the opportunity to check off your “to-do list” while little one slumbers. Or, in this case, the chance “to-do” your special someone! Whether the free time available during baby’s scheduled naps offer the chance to focus on your business, do housework, take a nap, or have some alone time with your love, it’s great to know that baby’s consistent nap times are your very own free times! The same applies for night sleep. With baby sleeping in his crib, mom and dad have the bed to themselves to either, a) sleep b) have sex, or, c) all of the above! So if this Valentine’s Day you are hoping to set aside some time for romantic lovin,’ a sleep schedule offers just that. The predictably of a nap and bedtime routine is priceless when it comes to having quality alone time for mommy and daddy, especially on the most romantic day of the year.
2) Date Night
When a baby knows how to fall asleep on her own, and fall back asleep on her own without mom’s help, parents have the freedom to put baby down for an early bedtime in her crib just in time for mommy and daddy to leave for a candlelight dinner after securing a trustworthy babysitter to hang out at home while baby sleeps. Easy babysitting job for the sitter, baby is sleeping happily at home, and mom and dad get to enjoy a hot date to relax and eat dinner with one another. As much as we love going to dinner with our little ones, it’s always nice to spend a calm night out with the person we fell in love with before baby came along, in order to keep that relationship spark around.
3) Mommy and Daddy are Happier
HALT! Does this acronym ring a bell? This handy tool serves as a reminder to everyone that it’s never a good idea to argue or discuss conflict when hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (HALT). What would otherwise be a mundane discussion between mom and dad, can quickly evolve into a heated argument when both parents are extremely exhausted from having a baby who wakes several times throughout the night. Being chronically sleep deprived usually results in higher frustration and irritation amongst both parents and children. Further, anger and resentment can easily be directed towards daddy during the vulnerable times associated with having a baby or toddler who doesn’t sleep. However, there is hope! The more sleep that baby gets, the more sleep mom and dad get! The more sleep that mom and dad get, the better mood they’re in, which as a result, makes everyone happier! It’s the best sleep equation. Spending Valentine’s Day, or any other day for that matter, exhausted and at the end of your ropes does not lead to feeling great about yourself, or anyone else for that matter, especially your partner. A sleeping baby with a nap and nighttime schedule allows parents to get the sleep they need at consistent times each day to have more energy during the day, and function at their very best. So when becoming frustrated with each other after a night of little sleep, remember to HALT and do not hesitate to ask for help and support from someone who can offer professional baby sleep advice. Sleep can work wonders for your relationship!
“Nap. Sleep. Date night. Romance. Love.”
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Author Bio
Natalie Willes, Infant and Toddler Sleep Expert, has been working with families all over the world as an infant and toddler sleep consultant since 2008. Natalie has worked with over 700 families to help their babies sleep through the night and nap consistently. By offering custom tailored approaches to each family and child, Natalie draws from her extensive experience to make sure each family feels confident in their sleep-training journey. Natalie works with infants starting as early as 14-weeks-old through toddlers 3 years of age. She is based on the west coast and enjoys the outdoors with her two children Olive and Milo, and her husband Michael. If you have any baby sleep questions for Natalie, she can be contacted through her websitewww.babysleeptrainer.