Guest Post: What Preschool is like in Germany
- westsidemommy
- May 27, 2015
- checklist
- Germany
- guest post
- preschool
- Trish Alegre Smith
Trish Alegre-Smith is an American photographer (soyourlife.com) working from the Eifel region of Germany. She is a mother of three and previously served in the Air Force, where she met her husband and father of their children. They moved to Germany a little over a year ago. As a military family, they are used to […]
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My Preschool Search Checklist
- westsidemommy
- April 13, 2015
- checklist
- preschool
- toddler
View image | gettyimages.com My daughter is only two, but in West Los Angeles, where some kids have been on waiting lists since they were in utero, I feel like I’m late in the game in finding a preschool. I started my search a a few months ago. I did some research, made some calls, […]
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