The Alana Banana Show is a popular variety program for children with of singing, dancing, and puppets! Alana Banana (a lady), leads an eclectic cast, consisting of a beet, an astronaut mouse, a panda, a Spanish bear, a beta fish, monkeys, a record player named Grandma Phone, and a smart phone banana! In their first CD, we meet these characters through catchy songs.
My daughter enjoys this CD a lot, and we listen to it all the time.
The album will be available on iTunes and Google play September 27th.
Some of our favorites:
Farm Animals
Farm Animals is a nice twist on the traditional animal sounds song. It’s catchy and it’s a lot of fun to sing along.
Dance Like a Dinosaur
What kid does not like dinosaurs? This song gets your moving and lets your imagination let loose thinking of different dinosaurs you can be.
Frampton the Fish
Most kids get a fish as a first pet. This song is all about Frampton the beta fish and gives you insight about his character.
“Valentine,” “Hip Hop Hoppity,” and “Christmas Tree”
Holiday songs are great. There are plenty of songs about Christmas, so why not a song about Valentine’s Day and Easter? These songs will get you in the spirit year-round.
Humble Bumble
We love the book Humble Bumble (read my post about it here), and watched the video of Alana Banana reading it, so it was very cool to have it in audio format too. Hearing this over and over again actually made my daughter memorize it, so it’s very cute to see her recite it with the book, since she cannot read yet!
Thank You
Gratitude is a great theme for songs. It’s a good way to keep kids grounded and appreciate what they have.
Alana Banana
Watch on YouTube
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