Westside Mommy Picks: Best Diaper Bags

Like most moms, the diaper bag replaced my purse. When my daughter was very young, I was naive and oftentimes packed more than I needed. The bag I started using at the time wasn’t even a diaper bag, but I liked it…until it got ratty and smelly, which proved it wasn’t meant to be used as a diaper bag. After I got the diaper bag I’m currently using, I realized the importance of a well-made bag with pockets and accessories that suit my needs. Everyone has their own way or organizing, so it’s definitely a personal choice. Here are my top picks:


Mamas & Papas Riley Satchel Diaper Bag


This is the bag I’m currently using as a diaper bag, and I love it. It’s a lightweight messenger-type bag, neutral in design and color. My husband doesn’t even mind carrying it. There are two bottle pockets inside – what that is insulated and one that is not. It comes with a matching changing pad, and there is a pocket inside the bag hold it (where I usually stuff two diapers in as well). The rest of the bag is pretty roomy, but streamlined. It’s not a huge bag, which is great because it doesn’t overshadow my petite frame.

Backpack style

Ju-Ju-Be Legacy Collection Be Right Back Backpack Diaper Bag


My friend Elaine has this backpack diaper bag. She received it as a baby shower gift. Wow, is it fancy! I love backpacks, so if I was planning on spending over $100 on a diaper bag, this would be it. It’s stylish, yet practical. Padded straps mean less stress on the shoulders, and allows you to have your hands free for chasing or carrying your little one. Four main pockets, five zippered pockets, and a special “mommy” zippered pocket give you plenty of options for storing.

The handbag diaper bag

Skip Hop Versa Diaper Bag


My friend Laura has this bag, and didn’t realize it was a diaper bag when I first saw it. It’s very roomy and the straps sit nicely on stroller handles. The center is expandable, so it can accommodate more when necessary. The top zips shut, which is helpful if the bag topples over, which can happen frequently in the car. The external zippers look stylish and functional, because they reveal more storage space. Water resistant lining makes this diaper bag anything but ordinary.

Travel Bed Diaper Bag Combo

Baby Travel Bed and Magical Baby Bag- 9 in 1


This is the bag you want if your child is a newborn until the first few months. This is the ultimate transformer bag. It’s helpful on so many different levels. It allows you to travel with the peace of mind knowing your child will have a familiar place to nap. The sleep station doubles as a changing station, which is great if you are in an area where the bathrooms don’t have one. I wish I knew about this bag before my daughter was born because it would have been at the top of my baby shower gift list.

Reader’s Pick

Storksak Elizabeth Leather Diaper Bag


This Storksac diaper bag was a recommendation from a reader. It is GORG-EOUS! I don’t personally own one, but Amy, who recommended it, is in the know when it comes to all things mom, so I value her opinion! This diaper bag doubles as a work-bag or even an overnight bag, so you will get more use out of it even after the kids are grown. Inside, there are ten pockets and an insulated bottle holder. Outside, there are two pockets, including one for your smartphone for easy access. This U.K. based company knows how to create classic, timeless pieces which coordinate well with everything.

This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

What’s your favorite diaper bag?


I am a new mom to a baby girl. I live in West Los Angeles. This blog is about my experiences as a new mom and navigating my way through kid-friendly L.A.

4 thoughts on “Westside Mommy Picks: Best Diaper Bags

  1. Thank you so much for this!! It couldn’t have come at a more perfect time, as I am definitely in the messenger/diaper bag market! Loved all your top picks–there are so many cute choices out there so it is certainly nice to get recommendations from friends! Will have to do a bit more research and then add one to my Christmas list! 😉 Thanks again!!

  2. Oh! And where was that baby travel bed bag when I was pregnant?! Such an awesome idea to spare the headache of lugging the pack & play around when they are teeny tinies! 🙂

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